Kamis, 28 Februari 2013


Second Toastmasters Meeting

Yesterday, I attended toastmasters meeting and got impressed by all the contestants who delivered their speech well. For those who don't know what toastmasters is, maybe i'm going to brief you a little about this club.

You can also know more in this link !

a couple months ago, a friend of me asked me to join an English Club which people there gather together and learn about public speaking and how to speak in a well manner in front of the public, of course in English. At the time, I interested but still did not have much more intention to attend the meeting. Day by days, another friend of me asked me again to join toastmasters meeting. Actually, I was so curious and yes I agreed to attend their regular meeting once. It was kinda different meeting than what is out of my mind when the first time I heard about toastmasters. I thought it is only a usual English Club which people talk about certain topics, deliver their own opinion and make a conclusion from that (I thought it was just like IAAS Conversation Club in my university). In fact, it was not like that. There are some sessions in every meeting (I don’t know what kind of term that they used in each session hehe)

the first session in my first meeting is for guests (people like me who just joined the meeting for the first time). The guests asked to introduce themselves, why they join the meeting, who invite them, etc. Second session is for prepared speech, only for members of toastmasters who already prepared their speech in certain topics after coached by senior toastmasters. Third session is evaluation. Some evaluator evaluated all speaker about their performance in delivering speech. Nice kan? J
In my second toastmasters meeting yesterday, I still be a guest too :p but this meeting was not a regular meeting. They held a contest for all members of club. First is a table topic contest, the contestants should talk for about 1 minute and they would not know the topic before. So, it was surprising topic!

The topic was “How do you define globalization and how it impacts our nation?” (Later on I will write about this topic based on my opinion :))

Second is international contests so the winner of this contest in the club will compete again in next level and stages. I was impressed of the atmosphere and spirit from all the contestants and judges. Some of speeches were excellent are gorgeous, mesmerizing myself who was still in not a good capacity when speaking in front of the public.

Well, fyi I’m not a shy person who afraid to talk in front of the crowd but my biggest problem is….. I talk sooooo random! LOL. I don’t talk structurally and systematically even though I talk in BAHASA! Hahaha… that is why I need to improve my speaking skill, hehehe…
And the conclusion is… I probably join this club as an official member!
Be ready for my first speech yaah :p

1 komentar:

  1. Wow Koprol dulu. Nice information for me. I need to develop my public speaking, hahaha... See you on TOP...
