Minggu, 23 September 2012


10 Things I Strongly Believed in My Childhood Life #Part2

Hello people! It has been long time since I wrote my first part of this topic! Well, as we know there must be a lot of unforgettable memories in our childhood life. To me, there are top 10 unforgettable which I break down into two parts. Whoever has not read my previous part yet, please kindly visit this link before you start read in this part! :D

Chicken Wigns
6. When I was kid, My Mom (yeah always my mom and my mom lolz) told me that my grandfather (Alm. Peace be upon him) really liked chicken wing, eat them a lot and that’s why he could fly across the country. FYI, my grandfather was a school principal and he had got an invitation to have a journey study from schools in Europe. Yep, my grandfather flew to all around Europe and applied what he got to his school. Hmm.. I really believed what my mother told me and since that day, I always eat chicken wing if my mom cooked fried chicken :p. I even  always ordered chicken wing if I ate in KFC, McD, etc. hahaha.. I believed if I eat lots of chicken wings, I could go abroad and travel by plane. Well, it was on my dream because I really wanted to travel by plane =p.  well, to be honest, my family is average and we don’t spend our holiday by travel abroad (even in domestic aeroplane) and such like other Indonesian wealth families do, hehehe.. Year by year passed away, I was in my 2nd year in university and got chance to attend conference in Malaysia. It was the first time I travelled by plane, hahaha.. still in the same year, I also got chance to attend another conference in Bangkok, Thailand. Thankfully, my dream comes true in the same year J. My dream to travel by plane when I was kid. Was it because I ate lots of chicken wings?? You can prove it by yourself :P hahaha…

Dentures from Buffalo's teeth?
7. I used to think a lot of unnecessary things when I was kid. Hmm.. whenever I saw TV and known new things, I probably ask some innocent questions. One thing that I cannot forget is, I saw old people used dentures (false teeth) whenever they get old. I wondered what kind of teeth is that made? What materials that are used to make the teeth? Simple, my grandfather answered it was made from buffalo’s teeth?? I suddenly thought, how can people robbed buffalo’s teeth to make fake teeth for old ppl?? I thought about how the process too by myself.. zzzzz…. Hahaha #toomuchthinking lol. Well, in fact most of dentures are made form Acrylic, Metal and Porcelain (just searched on uncle google).

Traditional drink for witish women :p
8. My skin was not as white as now when I was kid (well, even tho for now is not white-skin too, but it is exotic enough lah and I proud  of it! wkwkwk). My skin was dark, comparing to my younger brother who is a white-skin kid and such adorable :3. I always got jealous bcz ppl always compare me with my brother, especially about skin, geeeekk (or it was only my feeling?? Lol). My mom told me that when I was born, my skin was even darker than when I was grow up, it was getting purple (I cannot imagine what color it was, hahahaha). So, because of jealousy to my brother, I really wanted to whiten my skin!! That was my Biggest goal I’ve ever made when I was kid (so innocent myself :p). In addition, all TV commercials also support perception of “the more you have bright-white skin, the more you are beautiful”. Me, as a kid, probably never filter what I saw in TV, hehehe.. So, there was a commercial break which has call rock “Si Putih Awww Si Putiih” (the white oh the white) Remember?? After saw that CF, I told my mom to buy the product in order to whiten my skin. My mom was curious what kind of product I wanted so she saw the CF and explained me that it was not product to whiten the skin! It was pil product for adult woman who have problem in their sensitive area (called “Keputihan” (vaginal discharge) in Bahasa). Well, I didn’t get it clearly as I didn’t understand about that tho, hahaha.. finally, I just accepted that I could not buy the product because it was not for skin and   then  I   started   hunt new products for my skin (100% Innocent girl, lol).

9. In elementary school, we learned a lot about Indonesia colonisation history by dutch. The book told that Dutch came to Indonesia to hunt “Rempah-rempah” (spices). Well, in bahasa it is similar to word “Remah-Remah” (Crumbs). I used to think that “Rempah-rempah” means “Remah-remah” so…  I believed  that Dutch came to Indonesia to hunt Crumbs which I always thought crumbs from pan or cakes, BIG LOL. What for Dutch only came here for those things? Believe it or not, I learned history by my own perception like that and I never asked anyone even my teachers, lol. and finally arrive to the day I awaken up by my own mind (it was a bit late tho, hahaha) that Dutch were not come to Indonesia for Crumbs but for Spices!! Hahaha… so funny :p
Real Spices Hunted by Dutch!!

10. We have a traditional food called “Biji Salak” (snackfruit’s seed) and usually served with kolak (special sweet food in fasting month). It was made from flour but its shape really looks like snackfruit’s (salak fruit) seed. At the first time I saw the food, I believed that it was the seeds which are cooked to be edible.  My grandmother also told me that it was hard to cook “Biji Salak” Because she should steam the seed for a long time to be softened so that it can be eaten. Yep, and the innocent Sarah comes on her mind again, thought about the process. How come the hard seed could be soft, sweet and edible as what they eat yaaa?? Hahaha.. but I rethought and rethought again and finally found that it was a lie. However, I like it, Biji Salak, not the real one. lol
Salak Fruit and Its Seeds

Delicious Sweet Food called "Biji Salak"

Senin, 03 September 2012


Hati-Hati Penipuan Berkedok “Undangan Seminar DIKTI di Bali dari DITMAWA IPB”

Hari ini tiba2 saya dapat SMS dari nomor 081219760912, bunyinya begini:

“Diberitahukan dgn hormat sdri. Sarah Tsaqqofa, NRP 24070054 (sbnrnya salah sih NRP saya F24070054, kurang F). Diminta sgr mnghubungi Bppk Prof. Yonny Soemarsono (PR I IPB)(081316905307) sehubungan ada undangan seminar nasional dari DP2M Ditjen DIKTI. Yang akan disampaikan perihal: “Peningkatan Evaluasi PKM serta peningkatan epenulisan artikel ilmiah” Tgl. 8-9 Sept di Hotel Nusa Dua, Bali.” 
à Fyi, Biasanya sms kayak gini datang dari Direktorat Kemahasiswaan IPB

Nah, alih2 saya yang udah kerja gini bingung dong dapet sms kayak gitu. Masa iya saya yang alumni IPB baru 6 bulan diundang acara gini? Saya juga bukan alumni mahasiswa berprestasi juga.. Bukannya biasanya mahasiswa2 aja? Kalopun alumni biasanya sih mapres2 aja.. Bertanya2lah saya dalam hati. Namun saya tidak curiga lantaran dulu (waktu masih jadi mahasiswa) sempet juga dihubungin  tiba2 sama DITMAWA buat ikut lomba pidato bahasa Jepang di PIMNAS (secara waktu itu ke Bali gratis juga, dadakan juga)
Lantas saya balas sms tsb & bertanya apakah ini untuk mahasiswa saja atau bagaimana pemilihannya?

Terus No 0812 tsb nelpon saya dan mengaku bahwa ia adalah Pak Rimbawan (fyi, suara dan gaya bicaranya mirip banget sama Pak Rim kalo di telpon *saya pernah ditelpon pak rim n kalo konsul soal IAAS juga kadang ke ditmawa jadi ngeh suara Pak Rim kayak apa*). Don’t know why, saya gak ngecek nomor 0812 ini bener nomer Pak Rim atau bukan. Nomor Bapak Rimbawan sudah terhapus di HP saya krn ganti HP. Then, saya percaya2 aja karena “Pak Rim” di telpon itu nyuruh saya telpon Pak Yonny Langsung. Then,  dengan polosnya saya mengikuti instruksi “Pak Rim” abal2 tsb. Saya telpon ke nomor “pak Yonny” (081316905307) dan dia bilang kalo saya dapat undangan dari DIKTI ke Bali dan akomodasi semua ditanggung gratis dari dana DIPA (fyi, kata ini udah gak asing secara dulu saya terlibat di kegiatan kemahasiswaan n emang dana DIKTI buat mahasiswa didapat dari dana DIPA *lupa singkatannya apa*)

Wow, ke Bali? Seminar? Sabtu-Minggu? Gratis lagi? Hmm.. boleh juga. Kata saya tanpa pikir panjang. Lol.  Terus, “Pak Yonny” sms-in saya nomor undangannya dan dia nyuruh saya nelpon ke nomor ini 08161857089 a.n Direktur DP2M Ditjen DIKTI Prof. Dr. Suryo Hapsoro Tri Utomo. (please check this is correct or not and I have no time nor thought to check about it!). So, saya ngeh2 aja.. secara “bapaknya “ di telpon baik amat n berlogat jawa. Njeh2 gitu.. dia juga bilang saya peserta terakhir yg confirm jadi harus secepatnya supaya dana akomodasi cepat turun. Masih belum curiga juga saya. Hahaha.. terus dia minta no. rek saya karena akan ngirim uang 10 jt buat biaya itu (dalam pikiran saya duit 10 jt ini gak Cuma buat akomodasi aja tapi juga biaya operasional karya ilmiah yg dulu pernah saya buat??) aaah.. kesirep saya sepertinya! Hehehe..

Intinya, dia minta saya ke ATM dan tetep sambil nelpon karena ada instruksi dari dia jadi bisa langsung confirm kalo rek 10 juta itu udah masuk.. Nah, berubung saya Cuma punya 2 kartu ATM which is bukopin syariah & HSBC jadi saya pake bukopin dulu.. pas suruh buka, dia minta saya nyebutin berapa jumlah uang disana.. FYI, saldo saya Cuma Rp 38.818,-!! :p

Terus tiba2 dia bilang, coba yang HSBC gimana..and the innocent me nurut lagi. katanya ke ATM Mandiri aja lebih gampang, Alhamdulillah trnyata ATM mandirinya rusak dan ganti ke ATM BRI. Nah, pas di ATM BRI ternyata ga ada menu yang dia bilang (semacam menu ambil deposit gitu tapi nyatanya transfer ke no rek dia). Alhasil dia mnta coba rek yg lain, temen atau siapa. Lantas saya telpon mamah saya yg punya BNI terus mama nanya, ini bener nggak yah. Tereret, Barulah saya kepikiran buat mastiin bener atau nggak, ckckck.. Saya telpon langsung Leo Wibisono, Mahasiswa Berprestasi Nasional 2011 who knows a lot about DITMAWA dan segala kegiatan kemahasiswaan. Ok, saya belom bilang ke nusa dua bali, baru bilang “leo in bener gak yah” eh dia udah jawab bener! Ternyata udah banyak yg ketipu penipuan seperti itu. Intinya si korban bakalan diajakin ketemuan nanti n dihipnotis.. Huwaaa sereem.. mana pelaku tadi udah sempet2 nanya saya tinggal dimana.. hmmph.. Thanks God, Tuhan masih melindungi saya.. Buat temen2 IPB maupun alumni hati2, kalo ada kasus kayak gini lagi harap dicek dulu.. Monggo kalau mau dishare. Lebih banyak yg tau mungkin lebih baik..

Sarah Tsaqqofa