Minggu, 21 April 2013


Danus-danus Seru :D

Ada hal dalam hidup saya yang belum saya tuangkan dalam sebuah tulisan, yakni tentang saya dan DANUS (dana usaha). Dalam sebuah kepanitiaan, biasanya ada sebuah divisi yang fokus dalam pencarian dana dan sponsorship, di kampus saya divisi tersebut biasanya disebut divisi DANUS (dana dan usaha). Ah, entah takdir mana yang mempertemukan saya dengan danus hingga beberapa kali dalam kepanitiaan saya ambil bagian disini. Kalau dilihat “gengsi”nya, danus emang terlihat kurang bergengsi dibanding divisi acara dimana inti sebuah event ada disana, namun kalau dana tidak mengalir, tentu acara tidak akan bisa berjalan bukan? Ibaratnya, divisi danus merupakan tulang punggung keluarga yang mampu menafkahi seluruh keluarga hingga berketurunan. Hehe.. kalo diliat-liat juga, danus keliatan kurang kece banget, jualan barang-barang kecil, jual es, jual kaos kutang eh alias baju bekas, jual macem2 deh, minta sumbangan sana sini, dateng ke perusahaan2 pula cari sponsor, semua dilakuin asal bisa dapet dana sedikit demi sedikit demi keberlangsungan sebuah acara.
Masa-masa saya di danus sendiri berawal dari ikutnya saya di kepanitiaan MPKMB (semacem ospek) dimana beban dana yang harus kami dapatkan sebesar 60 juta rupiah!! (kalo nggak salah yaaa). Waktu itu saya jadi kadeptnya dengan sekdept Ario (eh salah kebalik deng, hahaha). Sejak mahasiswa baru masuk, kami satu divisi rela jualan kasur, bantal, guling, direct selling sana sini panas-panasan, jualan es kalo ada wisuda, jualan baju bekas di sempur jam 5 pagi, dan lain-lain sebagainya! Seru siih, makanya divisi danus biasanya merupakan divisi terkompak dalam sebuah kepantiaan hehe.. yang paling nggak terlupakan di danus mendanus ini adalah saking butuh DUITnya, terkadang mahasiswa bisa melakukan ide-ide brilliant (dengan halal) untuk mengejar target hingga budget tertutupi loh dan berikut cara ngedanus terunik yang pernah saya alami! Cekidot!

Menang Quiz Betul Salah 15 Juta Rupiah
Alhamdulillah di kepanitiaan MPKMB kami berhasil menang QUIZ BETUL ATAU SALAH sebesar 15 Juta Rupiah!! Memang kalo rejeki tuh gak kemana yaah?? Hoho… Awalnya itu… waktu tingkat satu saya juga ikutan klub jepang, namanya Onigiri. Anak-anak disini Japan freak abis, doyan cosplay, jago ngeband juga, bisa bikin kostum Kamen Rider juga, pokoknya rameeee abiss and sangat kekeluargaan tapi liar hahaha.. Nah… berhubung ada tema “Jejepangan” di QUIZ BETUL ATAU SALAH (dulu tayang di Indosiar apa ya kalo gak salah?? Atau antv yah??), dan anak2 Onigiri masih kekurangan orang buat syuting, akhirnya saya terekrut mereka deh buat ikutan quiz. Presenternya masih Sony tulung waktu itu. Peserta Quiz betul salah ada 100 orang, dibagi 5 kelompok dan grup Onigiri terdiri dari 25 orang, grup2 lain juga berkostum dengan temanya Jejepangan namun berbeda-beda, ada yang tentang Kamen Rider, Japan Traditional dll. Tapi sayang, Onigiri kurang beruntung disesi ini dan nggak menang.. setelah saya ikutan acara QUIZ BS ini, saya tiba2 punya ide, gimana kalo 100 orang panitia MPKMB ikutan quiz ini buat nyari dana?? Lumayan kalo menang bisa dapet 15 juta?? WOW… saya begitu menggebu-gebu kala ide BRILLIANT ini datang!! (saya bangga pada diri saya sendiriii wkwkwk). Finally, saya Tanya ke ketua geng Onigiri, Chakko (sbenernya namanya Cahyo hehehe) gimana cara ikutan quiz and saya dikasih tau suru kirim email ke produsernya dan kasih ide buat Tanya episode apa tapi yang unik supaya cepet diundang syutingnya. Pulang syuting quiz BS bareng Onigiri, saya langsung ke warnet buat kirim email dan mencetuskan ide episode Pertanian (hahaha). 5 grup akan dibagi menjadi 5 fakultas di IPB dan masing2 grup akan memakai kostum2 unik. Misalnya fakultas pertanian pake baju petani, peternakan pake baju koboi, perikanan pake kostum laut2, kehutanan pake kostum daon2, teknologi pertanian pake jas lab hahaha.. ide gila memang! Awalnya email tidak dibalas dan saya hopeless namun seminggu kemudian saya ditelpon langsung dan diajak syuting Quiz BS + harus segera ngumpulin 100 nama peserta yang mau ikutan. I was shock at the time saking senengnya! Akhirnya 100 orang panitia terpilih berangkat mencari dana demi MPKMB ini. Semua sepakat, barang siapapun nantinya yang menang, uangnya akan disumbangkan untuk MPKMB (meski yg menang akan mendapat komisi). Alhamdulillaah.. transport pun ditanggung oleh produser dan bisa juga cari untung dari biaya transport ini (gak mau rugi hihi). Setelah seleksi akhirnya didapatlah peserta terakhir yakni teman sekelas waktu tingkat pertama, namanya Mira dipanggil Tenyom. saya masih ingat sekali pertanyaan terakhir.

Sony: Betul atau Salah, Teater Keong Emas memiliki Layar terbesar sedunia, bangku terbanyak sedunia dan merupakan Teater paling luas sedunia?
Setelah mikir lamaaaaa banget dan semuanya harap harap cemas, akhirnya tenyom menjawab
Tenyom: Betul
Setelah dag dig dug dueeerr finally SONY TULUNG mengumumkan bahwa Kami MENANG 15 JUTA RUPIAH!! ALLAHU AKBAR, semua menangis haru, para pimpinan, dan semuanya.. tiada yang dapat kami panjatkan selain syukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan jalan. Meski dananya baru bisa cair setelah MPKMB selesai setidaknya kami bisa meminjam uang dengan jaminan tersebut. Alhamdulillah, masih nggak percaya kalau kejadian ini nyata :D
So, buat kamu kamu yang lagi jadi panitia didanus, jangan pantang menyerah, yakinlah akan ada pertolongan yang tidak disangka-sangka^^

Jadi Supporter Program Twins di Indosiar
Hal gila lain yang saya pernah lakukan demi mengais rezeki demi keberlangsungan Acara World Congress IAAS 2010 yang membutuhkan dana ratusan juta rupiah adalah ikutan program supporter acara nyanyi2 di Indosiar hahaha.. dulu masih jamannya AFI (Akademi Fantasi Indosiar) dan ada program TWINS (nyanyi2 khusus untuk kembar). Supporter yang hadir akan dikasih dana 100.000 per orang sebagai biaya pengganti transport. EMang mahasiswa jeli banget, kayak ginian aja tau hihii.. Finally, dengan silih berganti (karena hampir tiap hari acara ini ada man!), saya dan teman2 jadi supporter di acara ini. Tugasnya sih kalo ada yang nyanyi suruh bediri n joget2, suruh tepuk tangan sama vote siapa yg nyanyinya paling bagus. Well, simple kan?? Hahaha… Temen2 saya yang dirumah n pas banget ngeliat saya di Tipi kaget karena banyak anak2 IPB tiba2 muncul di layar hahaha… sayangnya ikutan acara ini pulangnya pagi, soalnya baru kelar jam 11an malam dan jarak tempuh dari JKT-DARMAGA (bukan Bogor ya) membutuhkan waktu hingga pukul 2 pagi :( But overall, it was so fun!

Ikutan Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris
Naaaah… kali ini DANUS yang menurut saya PALING MENGUNTUNGKAN SEDUNIA!! Hahaha, gimana nggak menguntungkan coba: saya ikutan lomba, saya menang terus CV saya tambah bagus karena juara dan dapet duit buat BEM. Awalnya saya paling nggak bisa debat, bahasa Indonesia aja kagok2 gimana bahasa Inggris (I swear by God deh) cumaaaa karena BEM FATETA (fakultas saya) lagi butuh dana banget, ketua BEM saya jaman itu punya usulan supaya anak2nya ikutan macem2 lomba dan sebenarnya posisi saya saat itu menggantikan beliau karena berhalangan ketika lomba. Di debat bahasa Inggris ini saya sekelompok bertiga dengan 2 orang kakak kelas di BEM juga (Oni & Devina), persiapannya aja Cuma seuprit, baca2 ini itu, ngerti peraturannya aja nggak ahaha.. modal nekat aja. Emang rejeki kali ya, pesertanya sedikit and finally kami menang juara 2 (lumayan lah yaaa hihihi) dapet berapa juta kalo nggak salah ya dan semuanya untuk BEM J.
Buat kamu2 yang mau ngedanus cara begini, sok ajak anak2 di organisasi kamu ikut lomba paper, nulis artikel or lomba2 apapun jadi bisa sama-sama menguntungkan hehe

Jadi translator
Nah, yang ini danus tanpa akhir. Selalu ada job buat translate meski sebenernya kecil banget untungnya. Tapi lumayan loh, ngedanus kayak gini bisa ngasah kemampuan bahasa Inggris kamu! Danus jadi translator biasanya dilakukan oleh anak2 IAAS demi acara2 kecil di IAAS (bukan untuk big event siih)

Mengais Tong Sampah
Jangan remehkan kegiatan memulung karena bisa jadi untungnya belasan juta rupiah! Believe it or not! Kali ini di Kepanitiaan SALAM ISC (Islamic Student Center) saya dan divisi Lumbung (with Ridho, Anas, Daya, Kindi, Mega, Destia, Endang) diamanahkan untuk mencari dana 60 juta rupiah lebih (nggak jauh beda sama MPKMB). Yang paling terkesan dari semua danus yang kami lakukan di salam adalah MENGAIS TONG SAMPAH ASRAMA TPB DEMI MENEMUKAN HARTA KARUN TERPENDAM! Setiap pergantian tahun dan mahasiswa tahun pertama meninggalkan asrama, sudah tentu mereka juga akan meninggalkan banyak sampah dan buat kami ini adalah harta karun! Karena jumlahnya berton-ton. Tak cukup satu hari dua hari kami sweeping asrama untuk memilah milih sampah, kami butuh sekitar seminggu demi mengumpulkan sampah2 dan mengelompokkannya menjadi satu. Wajah dekil, plus bau karena berhari-hari mengais-ngais tumpukan sampah pun tak mematahkan tekad kami. Masing-masing golongan sampah pun punya nilai-nilai yang berbeda dan alhamdulillaah, dari sampah-sampah ini kami bisa dapat lebih dari 10 juta!
So, kalo ada kemauan pasti ada jalan! Jangan pernah menyerah ya? J

Rabu, 10 April 2013


Sekalipun Nantinya...

Pagi ini saya berdiskusi dengan seorang sahabat dan berkesimpulan sebagai berikut: 

“Sekalipun nantinya kita menikah dengan orang yang kita sukai, kita cintai, dengan orang yang sesuai sekali dengan kriteria kita dan orang yang kita damba-dambakan, Janganlah terlalu senang dan terbawa perasaan. Begitu juga ketika kita sedih, janganlah terlalu bersedih. senang boleh, sedih juga boleh tapi jangan berlebihan. This is life, just enjoy its up and down. Ketika terlalu senang hanya karena kita menikah dengan orang yang kita damba-dambakan, kita bisa jadi kecewa karena setelah menikah kita akan tau jelek2nya pasangan kita. because everything must be followed by good and bad. Tapiii.. kalo menikah karena Allah, niscaya tidak akan kecewa meski bosan tiap hari akan ketemu terus sama pasangan kita..

Minggu, 07 April 2013


Since our First Conversation

I like someone, he is inspiring to me and I want to share why I impressed by him since our first conversation last year.

before I accepted in my current company as an employee, I passed some selection stages which were document selection, math & english test and 4 interviews.. Tight enough to screen new employees, right? in the last interview, i had been interviewed by the 1st TOP Boss in my company. to be honest, I really enjoyed our discussion.. and it was just like a sharing between best friends instead of rigid interview haha... Mr. PIDI is second Indian I'd ever known  after my first Indian friend, V, whom I met in Malaysia. PIDI is tall and good looking (Second handsome after FCH -my ex Indian partner in Analysis Area, now he is a researcher, different division with me haha- well IMO FCH is the most handsome Indian guy I've ever met, LOL), well wise, straight to the point, and somekind bossy haha..

here our first conversation alike (lil bit forgot but I think it representative enough):
PIDI: pls introduce yourself
Me: thank you, My Name is Sarah Tsaqqofa, I was graduated from Bogor Agricultural University, majoring Food Science and Technology. My hobbies are reading and writing. I have some blogs, written in Indonesia and English. In English I write in The Jakarta Post Public Blog… (still want to continue..)
PIDI: Ok, enough..so, I got your CV from Kuli, how do you know her?
Me: actually, I don’t know Kuli and I’d never met Kuli before, Kuli is a friend of my mother’s friend. She told my mother that there is a vacancy in this company
PIDI: how do you think about this company?
Me: Well, I didn’t know before about this company, after I’ve been offered to apply a position in this company, I read everything about the company in the website, it got me more interested so I think that it would be challenging for me and that is why I wanted to apply a position here.
PIDI: Yes, you right. Working in MR company is very challenging, you will work in various area. I want to ask you some questions.. if you work with some people and they do not agree with you, what will you do?
Me: First of all, I will tell my opinion and discuss with them which are the best way, but I won’t force my opinion to them too..
PIDI: how if you got project from something you dislike, will you refuse it? For example, I don’t like smoking but we have cigarette company as client and we should do our job to help them as consultant, can you do that as professional?
Me: Actually I don’t like it too but I will communicate with those involved before I accept the job. But as professional I think I will run whats on my responsibility.
PIDI: do you accept that?
Me: Sorry? (I heard he said “except” not “accept”)
PIDI: Can you accept people who against your opinion?
Me: yes, of course I can accept what is on my opposite as long as I can communicate it well.
PIDI: Have you ever worked with foreigners?
Me: Yes, I have so many friends all over the world..
PIDI: Really? Do you have Indian friend?
Me: Yes I have Indian friend, her name is Vaidehi but I call her only V. We met in Malaysia in some environmental activities.
PIDI: WOW.. Are you a big activist??
Me: Hahaha.. Noo… (laughing)
PIDI: So… do you understand your future position as data analyst?
Me: Not really, but I think my job is making report from fieldwork to client..
PIDI: (Drawing some charts on his notes) Please choose which chart do client like more?
Me: (Looking at his notes) I choose this (chose a chart as what I make usual on Scientific Presentation)
PIDI: No, client will like this chart (pointing to other option). You know why? Because they bored with same chart every presentation. So, your job is not only as data analyst but also a data artist. I see in your CV, do you speak Japanese?
Me: just a lil bit, sir
PIDI: can you read Kanji?
Me: just about hundreds or something?
PIDI: Do you like anime, manga or can you drawing?
Me: (WOW, he knows anime and manga! Hahaha) I like it but not much, but I have ever joined Corel Draw Training held by my organization.
PIDI: Good, at least you have some basics. So, are you someone who easily get bored?
Me: No sir, if I like something, I will like it forever. For example, I like chocolate and if I order something It must be chocolate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate milk and etc (LOL, gak nyambung banget yah ni jawaban wkwkwk)
PIDI: hahaha… you looks like my wife! She likes chocolate very much!
Me: *eerrrrr… awkward moment* hahaha (ketawa aja)
PIDI: So you are graduated from IPB right? I see your TOEFL Score is so so… but your English is awesome, comparing to other IPB graduates here.. their English is not good (Bukan gw yang ngomong ini loh wkwkwk)
Me: Hahaha… (Ketawa lagi aja dah :p).. Thank you.. J (seneng juga sih dipujiii :p)
PIDI: So, do you like writing?
Me: yes. I write in some blogs
PIDI: what do you write?
Me: I write everything, about my life, my thought, my opinion and others..
PIDI: good, maybe you can write about your job here
Me: Sure, I’d love too. I will share to you later..
PIDI: Do you have any questions to me?
Me: mmm.. *thinking*.. can you speak bahasa?
PIDI: Yes, I can speak bahasa (tiba-tiba ada telepon bunyi)
PIDI: Iya bentar-bentar..bla bla bla (spoke in bahasa on phone)
PIDI: (Closed the conversation on phone). So you can see right as what I talked, I’ve been in Indonesia for 5 years, I can speak in Bahasa Indonesia so that you cannot badmouth me (becanda maksudnye)
Me: hahaha…
PIDI: another questions?
Me: (maksa bener dah suru nanya) Soo… are you the founder of this company?
PIDI: No, I’m not but I started to build in Indonesia branch, this company is centered in the UK and we just settled Indonesia branch since 2007, it is growing up so fast..
Me: ooh… I see (nggak tau mau nanggepin apa)
PIDI: one thing that you should notice is this company is foreign company, we open to everyone. There probably some Indians who work here but this is not Indian company. You should notice that, we are not Indian company
Me: ohh.. oke (ngerti maksudnya dia)
PIDI: How much salary do you want? (I think he must be busy)
Me: Mmm… I wrote in the paper, I think thats enough and it is negotiable
PIDI: Oke, now you can wait outside (to sign the acceptance letter)
Me: Thank you very much

After our first conversation, I very seldom talk to him, I just see how well he represent the company in monthly town hall (something like monthly presentation to all employees in order to share targets, awards for best projects, best employess etc.). As the top management and the key of the company, he is a good leader and has powerful public speaking. Yet, his English is somewhat “british accent” and I like it J

What I make more impressed by him is the history when he started the company, his efforts towards this until this company become the fastest growing MR agency in Indonesia. I knew this story from someone in office, he told me that Mr. PIDI was working with Local agency then he resigned to set up new agency. At the first, his new agency was local agency but the city rat race made he think more visionary. Clients need trust and they trust more “multinasional” company rather than “local” agency and that is why he bought “foreign agency” name and set up Indonesia branch. When it was begun, there was no office, everything done in his apartment (Oh my! I cannot believe it happened only 5 years ago and now it becomes very BIG company). He even went by Ojek to present the proposal from client to client. Day by day, it grew up and they have office, cars, employees are increasing too and it has been settled as now. I can imagine how BIG efforts that he did since the start. He stated from zero. It impressed me and inspired me so much. I learned about effort from him.

Last but not least, he explained very details, very carefully and deep touching (to me) about questions that sounding in local employees head (including myself). We know that it is globalization era so foreign people can work in any companies, including Indonesia. Maybe there are some perception about:

1. Why there are many expats in the company
2. Why their salary is much more while their work is less
3. Top management is greedy and only rich their own pocket

And the clarifications are:
1.       Expats are needed because the company is just like a kid who needs and thirst of knowledge. Invited expats to exchange the mutual understanding among field they expert of is very essential since this company needs more hands to grow up. Local resource somehow doesn’t represent experience that the company want even there are some who can fill in the positions. So expats is not barrier for local to grow up on their future career. Don’t mess up your mind with negative thinking! Be positive, if you only think minus and minus it will always be minus because minus plus minus is minus, so stay positive!
2.      Salary in this company is the highest salary comparing to salary in other agencies, believe it or not. According to the statistic data of Indonesian current salary, this company gives above median average salary (it means that it already well enough). Pointing to this, do not compare you salary to others, do not look at neighbour’s grass because it always seems greener! If you work well the company will appreciate that. It will impact too to your salary so don’t be too envy to others..
3.      Annual bonus in this company is the highest bonus that has been given ever in Indonesia (I acknowledged that because I experienced by myself. Very high annual bonus). What made me so touched was Mr.PIDI told that he even didn’t give any bonus to himself in the first year when starting this company, while all employees got. Also, he added that his first salary was even smaller than the senior researcher in the company. Wow, how big heart he is (even tho now he is soooo damn rich because his hardworking hahaha). So be patient and grateful.. it will processed step by step lah..

Shortly, he explained sooo wisely and I can accept the whole decision made by top management. Well delivery I think! I learned a lot about the way he thinking and understand how he can make this company grow so fast, it is because he doesn’t rich himself and the top. He cares to his employees, their happiness so that they can work well, I think this can be good role model to be input as one of your manner as a leader. Be a leader not a boss!

PIDI, FCH and Kuli is a fake name to protect their identity lol

Nasehat Guru #part8

Allahu Akbar Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat teknologi yang telah memudahkan manusia beraktivitas dalam segala kebaikan. Alhamdulillah akhirnya setelah sekian lama terlaksana juga skype+XL+SIMPATI conference jkt-bogor-bangkok-bandung-riau. Memang inilah resiko tahfizh LDR. putus nyambung putus nyambung tapi smoga Allah selalu memantapkan hati hati yang ingin menjadi bagian dari keluarga-Nya

Nasehat minggu ini is just so simple:

Kalo seorang muslim gak gaul sama Qur’an, itu ibarat sebuah rumah yg kosong.. jadi ada jasad tapi ruhnya gak hidup, sehingga manusia seperti itu bisa disamakan dengan binatang berkaki dua yg berjalan tegak. Sebagai makhluk, kita Tidak hanya hidup sebagai manusia tp juga sebagai hamba Allah.. jadi kalo udah jaman gini gak gaul sm Qur’an tuh gak level banget deh. Jangan jadi manusia yg hanya hidup dengan insting saja seperti binatang. Hidupkanlah jiwa, dengan Al-Qur’an…

Senin, 01 April 2013


BOBO, Harry Potter and Me!

I’d love reading book since I can read (I was about 2 or 3 years old). I’d also love going to my Elementary School library just for borrowing fairy-tale books, Indonesian legend books, Enid Blyton’s novel, etc. I just loved to. I don’t know whether present kids reading books I read or not. I think present children tend to watch TV more than read books. They don’t even know how interesting Indonesian legend’s story! I really like legend and fables due to so much fantasy inside the story n_n. Besides, I like foreign book like Enid Blyton’s novel, his novels are mostly talk about children adventurers and it was so much fun reading it! I had never depend on someone since I child (excluding for taking bath, FY I was always asked my housemaid to accompany and waiting for me when I was taking shower because I was afraid of ghost :P). I could go to library alone just for picking and bringing home the books I want. I think the librarian knew me so well, hehe.. I even oftenly made a new borrowing card because it already full sometimes :P. Shortly, I love books so much J
When visiting a relative’s house at Eid Mubarak on my 2nd year of Elementary school, I found Bobo Magazine (Magazine for Kids) there, I was fall in love with that magazine and didn’t want to go home. My mother told me that she would subscribe it for me so that I allowed her guidance to go home. Since that moment, I subscribed Bobo magazine and really love to read it. For me, it was so fun and much of knowledge in it.
Even though I had subscribed Regular Bobo Magazine, sometime I also bought Bobo special edition. One of the editions I’d bought was Bobo SMART. This edition revealed in full English. It was also impact me so much so that I become a big fans of Most World Phenomenon which is Harry Potter. Well, it happened on my 6th grade when I was reading an interview article in Bobo SMART. I don’t really remember who was the interviewee but the only I know is the interviewee liked a book titled “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”. She showed the cover of the book in the magazine. I was so curious of that book. The cover looked so nice, much fantasy, adventures, and really made me more interest. Then, I went to Gramedia Book Store to buy it and became Harry Potter’s fan. I have known Harry Potter Novel since I was in the 6th grade of Elementary School. I liked this book bunches and always had in deep passion to open every next pages.
I recommended this book to my best friend who can speak English fluently since she had ever been lived in Aussie or London (I forgot). She is really smart in English and of course in others subjects too. She wondered about what I recommended to her and then she bought it. She needed only about a day to finish the book whether I needed more days (about 3-5) to read it. She is a genius one I think, till now she is studying in one of Australia University. She became a big fans of Harry Potter and we bought every it’s new released. Then, Harry Potter’s series became more popular since that time and I think this was one of the reasons why the book price also higher anually. Harry Potter became my best friend and he lived in my heart, accompanied me growing up!
Knowing the news that Harry Potter would made into a movie, it made me so much curious at the time. Daniel Radcliffe was chosen to be a Leading Actor in Harry Potter movie. As a teenager, I adored him so much because of his beauty. He was really cute and played a good role as Harry Potter. I was become a “Daniel Radcliffe” freak. Fyi, I have ever sent a letter to London (not mail but a real handwriting letter) just only to tell him that I am his big fan, of course I wrote it in my limited English, hahaha… (FYI, I also have written a letter to Hideaki Takizawa, Japanese actor, -but had no reply- LOL). After sending it, I wished I got a reply back for soon. I prayed everyday to get a reply and then, after about 3 months passed, I got a letter, written letter from London sent to my home address! I was so surprised and I told everybody about it. But, unfortunately After opened it, I got only a big photo of Daniel Radcliffe with his autograph. Well, this might not sent by Daniel himself, It might sent by the management, I thought. That’s OK. Hihihi…
Then, Harry Potter’s movies accompanied me in every Holidays due to the release time were properly set during holidays. Harry Potter was growing up with me and with all of children at the time. When he was a teenager, I was also a teenager and the story was about teenager’s life. He grew up more with more mysterious secrets and the story become darker. He became an adult and experienced love story and so did I. actually I have no idea why on earth JK Rowling is really good at making such stories, it kited every edition and you couldn’t guess what would happen in the end!
And now, Harry Potter was no more live. It had been ended after the BIG success of the two last movies. I thanked so much to BOBO magazine for the information of Harry Potter and also JK Rowling, the author for creating such adorable fantasy! ^_^