Title, power, money, position, prestige, wealth, etc sometime can make people feel as if they are always above among the others. Well, this article was made to explain that if you have all of those things, it doesn’t mean that you can rule the world.
Every single man in this world certainly wants to be success. the meaning of success for every human being can be various. There are also many ways to get success. Somehow, when you have already been succeed, you don’t know what to do because you do have everything. Am I right?
For most scientists, getting a “professor” title is a necessary because they are really thirst of knowledge (I mean people who concern of science are always feel like they are lack of knowledge so they need more study and study). Based on my experiences (actually after listening my lecturers story), to be a professor is not easy at all. They have to get their bachelor, then master and then philosophy doctoral, and maybe postdoctoral, continue earning much scientific research, being speaker in so many scientific events, participating in many community development projects and maybe should have much awards in their field. Hmm... those are not easy at all, right?
Well, for me who am being under supervised by a professor from Tokyo University of Agriculture right now, I have my own criteria of Ideal Professor. Here they are, let us check it out!
1st a professor is a person who can make other people to be a professor!
It doesn’t mean that they should make people similar to them but they can make other people better than they are. A professor should be the role model and motivator for other people who want to be a professor. For example, one of students of my old-professors in my University is now becoming the youngest professor in university and has been published so many scientific research, journals, being speakers in many scientific events and such! Creating new professor after being a professor, that’s what a professor should do!
2nd a professor is a person who can be asked in having discussion with other people whether they are smarter than him/her or not
To get more knowledge, a professor should be open-minded. Discussing with other people about related study is one of the keys to know more from other side. Nevertheless, some arrogant professors think that they are really great because of their title so that they don’t even want to have discussion with their students, they think that “you are only a student and I am a professor so that you should do what I told you, if you wanna pass my exam”.. Well, I think it is not a good behavior. Why? Because he/she (professor) learned everything before their students and it is just because they were born before their students. It is just the problem of time. Be down to earth and appreciate other’s thought, that’s what a professor should realize to!
3rd a professor is a person who doesn’t care of his/her title!
In this section, I’ve been touched by a professor I known. One day as his student, I was being a committee in a scientific event that we held together. Preparing every detail for the best is our duty. Well, actually it was not so difficult for me since I had ever joined similar events as committee before. Everyone was busy to present our best, there were so many stuffs to do such as: Preparing goody bags (seminar kit) for participants, putting our sponsor’s merchandise in every corner, lifting stuffs to the hall room, decorating hall room, and so on and so on.. me and my friends as students are kinda usual doing those things, we thought “yeah this is ok because we are student”. But then suddenly, I’d been touched after seeing my professor lifted heavy things together with my boy friends, putted sponsor’s products in every table, checked every detail until reminded us for having lunch! He doesn’t even care doing such jobs , that’s what a professor called to!
Any addition?? :D
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