Selasa, 17 Juli 2012


Special Floor in the 16th

Bismillaah.. my 2nd Ramadan Series.. Here we go..
Alhamdulillahirrobbil’alamiin.. All Praises to God, Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala (Glorified and Exalted be He) for everything that He gives me..

Just wanna share Naseeha I got from 16th  Floor Masjid :)

A month and half After graduated, I work in a market research company. No, not about this that I would like to tell you but one of the reasons that make me so thankful working here.. I work in a building which has 32 Floors and it might include as skycrappers?.. the First and second thing I’d like to remark from a building is the Musholla (place to pray) and the toilet (well, since in high quality building it would not be a problem anymore). Most of Musholla inside buliding I’ve visited were placed in the basement.. small, humid, and stinky.. a very unrecommended place to pray, to face our Creator..

In my office building, there is a floor special for praying, a masjid (mosque) in 16th Floor.. Well, everyday, in zuhr break, they provide Jamaah praying and followed by daily tauseeyah.. they also have special schedule each day: Monday is for learning Arabic, Tuesday is for learning Hadeeth, Wednesday is day for Tahsin (Learning how to read Al-Qur’an in a right way), Thursday is for various topics and Friday prayer only for men. Everytime I have enough time to sit and listen what ustadz (teacher) taught, I really excited and happy.. but sometimes, regarding so many deadlines followed, I just pray in my office room :(. Once, in a maghreeb time, I prayed Jamaah. The Imaam recitation of Qura’n was so well and trembling my heart, causing myself wondering who was the imam. After prayed, I looked and surprised that the imam was not an ustadz nor syeikh.. He was a security officer in this building! Subhanallah.. Never judge people by its cover for they maybe better than us =)

Then, I can’t hardly wait to tell you what ustadz had told us!

*Sorry for mixing in Bahasa and English*

Well, tausiyah ini nyentil and ngena banget buat saya. Entah siapa ustadz yang tausiyah saat itu.. Beliau bilang:

U (Ustadz): “Bapak2 dan Ibu2 disini tau nggak kalo dunia itu hanya tipuan?”
Bapak2 & Ibu2: “Tauuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…”
U: “Umpamanya gini aja deh yang gampang. Kalo misalnya saya penipu terus bapak2 dan ibu2 nggak tau saya penipu lantas bapak2 dan ibu2 masih percaya sama saya, itu wajar nggak?”
Bapak2 & Ibu2: “Wajaar..”
U: “Terus Kalo misalnya saya udah jelas2 penipu tapi bapak2 dan ibu2 dan bapak2 udah tau saya penipu tapi masih percaya sama saya, itu wajar nggak?”
Bapak2 & Ibu2: “….” (belum sempet jawab)
U: “itu namanya BODOH, BODOH, BODOH! Sama halnya dengan dunia ini.. kita udah tau dunia itu hanya sementara, hanya tipuan, tapi kita terlena sama dunia, BODOH namanya!”

Well, saya pun terhenyak.. benar juga ya ustadz.. Meskipun kita udah tau dunia itu hanya tipuan, masih banyaaaaaak dari kita yang termakan tipuan dunia itu.. Kesenangan duniawi.. Meski kita udah tau hubungan dengan lawan jenis (apapun itu bentuknya: Pacaran, HTSan, janji2an) sebelum pernikahan memang Dosa, teteeeep aja dari kita yang masih banya melakukannya.. Meski dari kita udah banyak yang tau MENUTUP AURAT ITU WAJIB HUKUMNYA DENGAN JILBAB YANG MENUTUPI DADA, masih banyaaaaak yang tidak menjalankannya dan menjalankan berdasarkan persepsinya sendiri.. Meski dari kita udah banyak yang tau SHOLAT ITU ADALAH AMALAN PERTAMA YANG DIHISAB, masih banyaaaak dari kita yang nggak sholat.. Oh dear, sayang banget amalan2 kamu yang lain kalo kamu ninggalin sholat.. Kamu sedekah, kamu menolong orang lain, kamu berbakti pada orangtua, pada akhirnya pun tak kan dihitung karena nggak lolos first screening which is Sholat

Another tauseeyah coming today (July 17th, 2012)

Thanks God, I came Ontime today and could meet Ustadz (different Ustadz)
Ustadz told us that he just came back to Indonesia after visited Europe for a month and he was so amazed in his visit to Great Britain.. I was more excited when he told about Islam in UK. As what he had experienced, Islam in Europe is become world most fastest growing religion but it is also followed by more people who don’t like Islam as well. Among all Europe countries, UK is the most open country for practicing Islam. Different in Paris (France), the government impose a ban for hijaab and practicing Islamic prayer in public places (so sad :( Hope Allah lead the govt to the right path, amen :).. Moreover, there is a city in UK –Bradford- which most (or almost all) the dwellers are Muslim, even though they are mostly immigrant who come from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other Islamic countries. In this city, you can easily find Halal meat and if you travel here, it will be a same feeling as you travel in Dubai (of course based on Ustadz’s experience, not me :p). Islam is growing rapidly in UK. The numbers are also supported by both new reverts from the origin British itself (Mostly women) and new born muslim-babies. The fast growing of Islam in UK might scare off many British who afraid Islam will dominate UK (also Europe). We can’t avoid that media plays a role in contributing many fitna to Islam. Ustadz said: DO NOT LEARN ISLAM FROM MEDIA.. LEARN ISLAM DIRECTLY FROM QUR’AN AND HADEETH!!

Well, Ustadz also told that Most New Reverts in UK are amazing! One of the person he know, a men who just reverted to Islam since 4 years ago and now already became a Da’i, subhanallah! Every Saturday in London Central Mosque, there is always a tabligh akbar which invites all people, including Muslims and non moslems, those who want to know more about Islam. Alhamdulillah, there is always new revert in every Saturday. *Actually, today’s naseeha topic was about Ramadan and those described above only and introductory hehehe…*

Do you know how much time for all Muslims brothers and sisters in UK and Europe for fasting in summer as this year? They will fast for about 17-18 hours a day, from 2 am until 9 pm.. what a tough! FYI, Moslem Council of Europe impose a fatwa to Bristol (one of cities in UK) that they can combine maghreeb prayer and isha prayer only in summer due to the small range of prayer time (maghreeb time at 9 pm, isha at 11 pm and subuh at 2am!). That’s one of decision that can be made.. No difficulties in Islam, Alhamdulillah.. Well to me, most enjoyable fasting is only in Indonesia, Tropical country :) Many of Indonesians who are living in UK choose to come back to Indonesia during Ramadan instead of the new reverts in UK only smiling and they are full of spirit in facing Ramadan this year! Subhanallah! It is very a good lesson for those who were already born as a Muslim because of their parents.. A new revert said, most Muslims do not understand what they are believe, do not understand what they are practice, that’s why they never get khusyuk in shalah.. because they don’t even know the meaning of what we read in the prayer *Manggut2 bener* if all Moslems knew what Islam really is, surely, we can lead Europe to Islam (peace)..

On the account of the fact that Islam dominate 1/3 of the world only in 23 years after the revelation in the Qur’an…

Alhamdulillah.. Hope Allah Blesses all ustadz who preach us everyday in 16th floor masjid. Hope Allah blesses the founder of this mosque too.. Bless to you all to the jannah.. and the Tauseeyah gave me more spirit to study in UK, I wish I can meet those amazing People and enjoy our ukhuwah fii sabilillaah.. InshaAllah =)

4 komentar:


    Kalo gini ceritanya umat muslim akan ketinggalan dapat penyebaran Islam dong, yang laen udah pake teknologi, sementara kita cuma muter2 di qur'an dan hadits, bukannya kalo ga ada dikedua nya ada di ijma', dan media penyebaran yg cepetnya kan pake teknologi :)

    1. thx for the comment, tapi maksud gue bukan itu.. sorry for unmistaken words.. maksud gue jangan percaya apa kata media karena belum tentu semua bener.. begitu bro!

  2. Ustadz yang Sarah tulis dialognya itu Ust A.Wahid Rahman namanya, kalo beliau yang ngisi memang Luarrr biasaaa....:)
    Yups, mesjid lantai 16 emang kayak oase di tengah "gersangnya" kantor ya :)
