This post is latepost in this blog cz I posted in my tumblr. but anyways, happy reading :/
Last Weekend, I went to Taman Safari Indonesia with my office-mates.
We went by 3 cars and I got into Nindi’s car with Andri and Shreya (an Indian girl who is taking intern in my office). Well, I was so excited for this trip and couldn’t hardly wait it again lol. We were who in same car mostly talked in English since Shreya was there and if we talked Bahasa, probably would have some gap to Shreya so we spent along the trip in English hahaha.. I brought my Prawn Chips (a.k.a Kerupuk Udang) which I’d already fried at home. For the fact that all food and snacks we bought were not in our car, I ate only my Prawn Chips while holding this hunger haha.. (FYI, I AM KERUPUK-UDANG-ADDICTED #Yeah) We also didn’t bring water because all food & drinks were in Mas Denny’s car :(.
Well, finally we stopped to the street food tent which sold “Nasi Uduk” (coconut rice) at about 11.30 pm. It was almost reach our villa tho..
We ate as like as we didn’t eat anything since couple days ago hahaha.. Shreya really likes Indonesian food. After that, we continued our Journey to our Villa and when we stopped in the alfamart while waiting other cars, Shreya’s phone which same with mine (Samsung Galaxy S3) fell down and its LCD cracked down. Oh man, poor Shreya, she suddenly lost her passion in this holiday :(
Shreya's phone Samsung Galaxy S3 |
Me & Nindi cheered her up to not to be sad because it still can work on and she can fix it in Samsung Center. The weather was getting colder cz we arrived at midnight but it was still oke for the fact that Spring in Netherland is faking (much more colder than this of course!).
We entered the Villa and got into the room! Yeaaay! Happy Holiday all :*
Villa |
Villa |
Actually, we already prepared raw corn to be roasted but all the whole tiring weekend made us lazy to make it. Finally, the girls as usual only did random talks (well somekinda gossip too but mostly is ONLY JOKE hahaha). The boys? Where were they?? Sigh, they played games at the central room and thankfully they prepared the Corn Roasting! Yeaaay.. I roasted only my sausage, not really have intention to eat BIG CORN at midnight. It was pretty fun J then the girls slept earlier to prepare morning to Taman Safari! Yeaaaay :*. The boys still continued watch big football match, oh I didn’t know what it was. Not interest of it :|
BBQ girls |
bakar bakar jagung |
Freezing Morniiiiing at Cisarua! Oh, damn I hate this cold weather!
The boys were swimming at that morning while I continued covering my whole body with warm blankets. Heaven :3
Before breakfast, some of us took a bath but some didn’t haha.. We were also waiting for Mas Wildan and family (his wife and two children who are such adorable!) who also want to join our trip.
Mas Wildan, his wife and children arrived at Villa. Mas Wildan has two children, the first is boy and the youngest is girl. I asked the girl who named Andra:
Me: Teteh Andra udah pernah ke Taman Safari?
Andra: (belum sempet jawab)
Suddenly the first boy answered: Aa udah pernah dooong!
Me: Oooh.. Aa udah pernaaah? Liat apa aja A’ disana?
Then he explained me what kind of animals he saw before, Oh God.. So cute and such adorable :3
Me-want-that-kids hehe…
Mas Wildan's kiddos <3 td="">3> |
We have some tricks before entering Taman Safari. As a foreigners, Shreya should pay twice than local people but we acted as like as Shreya was Indonesian. She pretended sleeping while the ticket seller checking our car. LOL. Shreya was a bad actress, her acting was not total hahaha.. but it was so fun. Well, in car, we screamed out loud whenever we saw cute animals. Aaaaaw… you can imagine how it was hehehe…
Shreya & me :p |
First entertainment we joined was 3D Ghost House. It was standard, only a man who surprised us inside is the best part haha.. then we saw birds of prey show. SO amazing! This was the first time I saw this show. Oh God, YOU ARE THE MOST KNOWN, YOU OWN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE, YOU ARE THE GREATEST! I couldn’t stop being mesmerized while the trainer of the birds called birds of prey one by one while they were in the Jungle. Impressive!
Eagle!! |
We also enjoyed something like “Niagara-gara” and “Kora-kora” in Dufan. We walked along till top to see the most favourite show: Cowboy Show.
Along the road, we also saw many kind of animals, reptiles, snakes, apes, pinguins, etc.
Cute pinguin <3 td="">3> |
Then we were ready to enjoy Cowboy Show. This show is presented by stuntman & stuntwoman with some effects and really good I think. The weakness was only I couldn’t understand the whole story since the dubbing (sound) was not sounds clearly :(
Cowboy show |
There was an accident in the middle of show. A couple who sat in front of the main stage fought each other. At the first I thought I was only acting but it was Real and not reality show. The girl suddenly slapped the boy for the fact that he didn’t cover the girl from water after “Bombing” from the show. There was a bomb in the story which was fell down to the draw well so that it burst much water to the spectators, including that couple. I think the girl is a tempered woman, she has bad attitude in front of the public. All eyes looked for them. Finally, the couple walked out and Sheriff & Cowboy could continue the whole story. LOL
Cowboy show scenery |
Be careful guys, please behave at public! :)
After cowboy show, we also saw dolphin show but it was so standard and I didn’t interested much. Finally, we were done our short holiday and having some dinners in Cimory riverside. Beautiful.
We got a farewell dinner for Virra cz she already resign from our Office.
Take care Virra :)
Selly-Rama-Virra |
Thank you for your all participation in this trip :D